Buyer Resources

This Month In Real Estate
A monthly snapshot of the numbers and trends that drive the national real estate market, as well as expert opinion and analysis.

Eight steps to buying your home
A detailed description of the home-buying process.

Mortgage Calculator
What will your monthly mortgage payment be with a 30-year loan vs. a 15- or 20-year loan? Find out here.

Deciding how much house you can afford
Your lender decides what you can borrow but only you can decide what you can afford.

Creating your home wishlist
With the number of homes on the market, it helps to think through
what you want and what you need in a home’s features and amenities.

Location, Location, Location
Mary Esther SunsetReal estate in the greater Fort Walton Beach area, Destin, Niceville and Navarre offer a myriad of different environments to choose from. What lifestyle do you prefer?

Opting for new home construction
Basic pointers to prepare you for the adventure of having a brand new home built.

How can a real estate agent help me?
A Realtor's job is to make the home-buying process as smooth as possible by helping to coordinate the myriad of details and service providers involved.

Eight important questions to ask your agent
Finding a solid, professional agent means getting beyond the resume, and into what makes an agent effective.

Understanding agency...who works for whom?
Does your Realtor represent you as a single agent or a transaction
broker? Learn about the differences.

Contact us about buying a home
It’s not easy finding that perfect house. Let us help!